Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Keep simple ideas about some sexual issues

1. What is your sexual ability?
Solution: Generally speaking, everyone is speaking low
Intercourse intermittently
I can not do it.
It's not a problem. Ejection
Virgo is influenced by the mental process. Excited
Ejaculation occurs after a long period of time, even if it is tensile or absent, then the ejection is done after a long break. Patients can solve the problem by itself or by practice.
2. Your masterbate is the habit of masturbating. That's why your sex is getting reduced. The body is weakening.

Solution: Masterbetts or Handmaths are considered as a common case of medical science. Of the clinic
No harmful effects yet to be found. Rather than anything
Medical scientists believe that it is good for health and to prevent testicular cancer. Masterbetts
Or there is no correlation with sex with the handmate. There is no clinical evidence for the physical weakness. But it is banned considering religious.

3. Does acne due to masterbate exercise, and it is true of hair waxing?
Solution: The whole 100 percent lies. Now there is no proper evidence available.

4. You get more than 1 to 2 minutes of sperm
You can not hold on. Do you need treatment?

Solution: No need to. Generally many healthy people may be ejacation or irritation in the course of 1 to 2 minutes, which can be more delayed in normal condition. Mastering and sex are two different things. Mestration
When time is only avoided, it is faster, but sex is relatable with love. 1 month after marriage
You may have to face such problems, but you can usually change it by using a prey or abstinence. It does not require any medicine or treatment.

5. Normal sex time? How much time to sex is possible to give sex to a girl?
Solution: The type of girls' gender and the type of boys differ. It is a matter of mentality in the case of girls related to the sex of the boys. There is a section called Chittoresia
Provides excitement After a specific time the tension is restrained as an organs. Touching girls, rubbing,
Sex is beginning from the beginning of kissing. If they are excited, they can also get circumcision in 1 to 2 minutes. If they do not have an excitement, they may have an unsatisfied hour after hour. There is no fixed time for them.

6. Occasionally some of the slippery liquids emerge with men's pennies. Many people think it's a problem?
Solution: This is not a problem. In our Bangla language they are called sexes. It is not a problem, it turns out to be excited.

7. What is the way to be happy in our married life?
If you know the right tricks, then anyone can be happy.
Do not use any medicines that are harmful to the body of the addictive drugs or veggiea.
A successful sex depends largely on the love of both husband and wife. Because the whole thing is mental. Sex
Stay faithful in life. Stay away from serious diseases such as syphilis and gania and aids.

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